Are you looking for a perfect and unique birthday party theme for your 1 year old boy?
Well, then you are in the right place!
Because here I have compiled a list of the most amazing Birthday party themes for boys, and I have researched the right posts and articles around the web, so if you choose a theme from this list, then the selected post will take you to the article where you can find everything that you need to know about that theme.
Since we are doing this for 1 year old boys, I haven’t added any superhero themes in here, because I personally feel that those themes are better for older boys, who can at least carry off the costume properly.
I really hope you find the right theme for your 1 year old, and have the most amazing birthday party ever!!!
With that said, let us dive into this list of ours, and get your party started!!
10 of the most Amazing Birthday Party themes for 1 year old Boys:
Is your little boy obsessed with Diggers and excavators? Then this is a perfect theme for him. The decoration can be pretty amazing too, complete with construction tapes, road signs and little toy cars.
I especially fell crazy in love with the construction tape! Find more…

Explore on Pinterest: Construction theme Party ideas
What’s with boys and cars?? Huhh!
But whatever it is, they sure are crazy about cars! Whether it is a 1 year old boy or a 30 year old adult, the obsession with cars is never ending! So why not have a Disney cars theme birthday party for your 1 year old??
He is definitely going to love it, and then love to see and display the pictures in his room for years to come! Find more…
Explore on Pinterest: Disney Cars Theme Birthday Party ideas
Q. Who doesn’t love smurfs?
A. Nobody.
Cause, everybody loves them. Period!
Have a cute smurf themed party because little girls and boys would looks so adorable dressed up as smurfs! And you can even ask their cousins and friends to come as smurfs as well! (Ohh, so much FUN!!) Find more…
If you want to have a cool, futuristic sort of theme party that is literally OUT OF THIS WORLD, then you can organize a outer space themed party, complete with planets, stars, sun, moons and extra terrestrial life! Find more…
Explore on Pinterest: Outer Space Theme Birthday Party ideas
Here is a cool list of ideas that you can do at a despicable me minions themed party! My favourite is probably the bananas dressed up like minions (Simply Awesomeee!!!) Find more…
“Old Mac Donald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o!!”. These are the words sung by every child in the world (maybe not every child, but I haven’t heard of anyone who hasn’t heard of Old Mac Donald. Have you??)
So, wouldn’t it be perfect to have an Old Mac Donald Party at a farm?? Find more…
I don’t think a list of Birthday party themes for boys can be complete without mentioning Toy story! It is one of the oldest and trendiest themes of all times with party supplies that can be found almost anywhere! Find more…
Explore on Pinterest: Toy story Theme Birthday Party ideas
People who know me, know that I am absolutely and completely obsessed with Harry Potter. And I think a 1 year old boy would look so cute in a Harry Potter robe! Or is it just me?? Find more…
Explore on Pinterest: Harry Potter Theme Birthday Party ideas
Chugga Chugga Choo Choo! All Aboard!! Let’s get on board to organize a Thomas train theme party for your little boy! Find more…
Explore on Pinterest: Thomas train theme Birthday party ideas
Airplanes are so versatile in nature that an Airplanes theme Birthday party can have tonnes of unique elements, ideas and decor. Find more…
I know its just 10 for now, but we’ll keep adding more to the list! Or if you know about a cool, crazy, or amazing birthday party theme for boys, then let me know in the comments section below and I’ll be sure to add it here!
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Hi, I’m Alifya. I love doing fun activities with my daughter, Hussaina and write all about it here! My crazy hobbies include:
A. Binge watching Friends upto a point of memorizing it!
B. Watching Air Crash Investigations and Mega Structures on
NatGeo and
C. Reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time!!

Wow great ideas u R a jenus person my sweet little dinamic sis 😘
I personally feel that these ideas r different N very interested for boy’s
So well done N keep it up 👍
I admire your work, regards for all the good content.