15+ Absolutely genius Felt DIY ideas for kids
Felt is possibly one of the most versatile mediums to make kids crafts and toys because:
- A. It is stiff and can be cut into almost any shape without loose threads coming out of all the edges.
- B. It doesn’t tear like regular paper, so books made out of felt can’t be torn up and rolled into a ball and thrown all around the house. (Sigh!! Well, you get the idea, right?) and
- C. because obviously, everyone loves felt. (You don’t?? GET OUT!!!)
1. Reusable Felt Bandages:

Did I mention that these are absolutely adorable??
Well, aren’t they??
Just look at them guys!! These made such adorable additions to my daughter’s “doctor set”.
And while we are at it, have you noticed how literally every child wants to become a doctor at some point in his or her early years?
2. DIY Plantable Garden Box:

This is such a creative DIY to spark kids interest in gardening. Who knew you could explore garden vegetables, potting, planting and garden beds without even getting your hands dirty!
Via A beautiful Mess
3. DIY Reusable felt stickers:

Have you ever wanted a simple DIY that you could carry along on road trips and shopping malls?
Well, you are in luck! This busy bag idea uses felt and velcro dots to make stickers that can be used again and again. And what’s more, these are light weight and can be folded and tucked into the side pocket of your carry bag. A sure win! Don’t you think?
Via Craftilifia
4. Magnetic Felt Color Matching game:

This simple game that looks somewhat like a miniature twister game is extremely simple to make. It is very engaging and promotes learning of colors and motor skills. Toddlers are simply going to love this burst of colors.
Via Craftilifia
5. DIY Felt Play food:

A play kitchen always needs good play food. If you are handy with a thread and needle (a little secret here: I am the worst), then you can make these cute squishy felt fruits and vegetables that can be used in a huge variety of pretend plays.
6. The very Hungry Caterpillar:

You might have heard of the ever famous kids book “The very hungry Caterpillar”. This felt DIY is an activity based on the book and can be enjoyed along with a story session of this book!
Via Instructables
7. Felt Icecream Plush Toy:

Don’t you want to take a bite out of this?? You can make any cute plush toys using felt. The possibilities are just endless.
Via Lia Griffith
8. Felt Pencil Toppers:

These felt pencil toppers look so fancy!!
What I really like about these toppers is that they are flexible and flat. So kids wouldn’t have any trouble putting these pencils in a pencil case.
Via Lia Griffith
9. DIY Sandwich play food:

There is just something quaint about putting together a colorful sandwich.
This pull apart sandwich looks so amazing that simply by looking at it, I can actually imagine my daughter cooking every layer in her little kitchen set and putting this together neatly onto a plate and bring it to me along with a cup of “water” tea!
10. Halloween finger puppets:

Who is not in love with this “mummy” finger puppet here??!! These are so spookily adorable. I kinda thought spookily wouldn’t be a word, but spell check didn’t mark it wrong, so here we go!!
11. Magnetic Fishing Game:

My daughter has a magnetic fishing game from Kmart which basically functions just like this one. But this colorful felt one looks so adorable. This one here is available from Etsy, but you can definitely DIY it on your own.
You’ll just need magnetic sheets, that you can insert inside two layers of felt and sew it in. Same goes for the fishing rod. And voila, you got yourself a cool new game!
Via Pinterest
12. Felt face masks:

This DIY may take some time to make but would function as a great party costumes for a woodland theme party!
Via Lia Griffith
13. Build a Truck (Open ended game):

I absolutely love love love open ended games and toys. This little activity by Little Family Fun Completely fits the bill!
Its Colorful. Its creative. It builds imagination. It provides a challenge. Simply put, its amazing!
14. Quiet Book:

Quiet books get their name because they provide a little quiet time for the kids (and for you), as the little ones figure out the different activities by themselves.
These are often designed such that they can be handled independently by a kid. Which in turn means no mess and nothing that can be torn off easily and swallowed (like traditional paper books).
Quiet books are usually made of cloth or felt. Explore the different pages of this felt quiet book by Powerful Mothering to get some inspiration for your own!
15. Science project (Internal organs):

I wish I had this kind of activity back in school. This would make learning about parts of body so easy. You can even layer the internal organs on top of each other to get the idea of how the organs are spaced inside your own body.
Via Pinterest
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Hi, I’m Alifya. I love doing fun activities with my daughter, Hussaina and write all about it here! My crazy hobbies include:
A. Binge watching Friends upto a point of memorizing it!
B. Watching Air Crash Investigations and Mega Structures on
NatGeo and
C. Reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time!!
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