Sensory play is extremely important for kids, as it allows them to explore different feelings through touch and feel. By playing in this manner, kids who are sensitive to certain textures and feel of objects, can overcome their fear at a very early age.
Kids as we know them, love playing with water. But to give them a bit of variety, and to see that oh-so-very-beautiful smile, we come up with new ways to entertain them all the time. Here are 3 different water sensory play ideas that your kids are going to love. These ideas are for those rainy indoor weekends that get on everybody’s nerves!
What you Need:
1. A big tub/bin that can contain water.
2. Blue food color (optional).
3. Colored Paper & scissors.
4. Assorted toys (mentioned below)
All 3 ideas, start with some basic steps which include:
Filling the bin/tub with water (having a clear container helps, as it lets the kids see and explore properly) & using a few drops of blue food colour to make it a bit more interesting (you can skip this if you want to. I had some blue food colour lying around the house and so I decided to add a little colour to this project).

1. Fishing Expedition:

2. Little Ducks:

3. Paper Boats:

Have Fun!
Too cold to play with water? See this paper & cloth sensory bin idea. Don’t forget to browse through the whole list of ideas right here.
If your kids had fun playing with these ideas, do let me know in the comments section below!

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