I started Blogging in June 2019. 16th june, 2019, to be exact. And for almost 10 months I didnot make a single dollar out of it.
This was not for lack of trying, however!
I tried everything that I could and then tried some more.
I invested atleast:
- 5 hours every day.
- and about 500 dollars in hosting and courses.
So how did I make it to this point? Why didn’t I just give up? Why did I apparently waste hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars only to gain nothing??
Well, I could do it because I love it. I kept myself motivated, even though I had a hundred doubts. I was not afraid to fail. I did tonnes of experiments and I still do. I fail. I try something new again. Twice, I redesigned my whole website because I just wasn’t satisfied!
And this is how I kept myself motivated during the long months of earning nothing:
1. Think of it as a hobby:
What is your favorite pastime/ hobby?
Is it reading books? or watching your favorite television show? or is it posting on instagram or shooting cute videos with snap chat?
Well, whatever it is, I am sure you are not paid to do those things.
Hell, I wish I was being paid to watch “friends” for a gazillionth time, but truth is: I don’t.
But I do it anyways.
That is because I love it.
Blogging is also like that. First and foremost, you are doing this because you love it. It shouldn’t just be a regular job. It should be something that you simply love. Because, if it is just another job that you simply HAVE to do, then why not go ahead and find a regular job.
This should be a hobby. (Albeit a productive money making hobby). It is Just a hobby that takes a lot more time than normal pastimes. It should be driven by love and passion. Of course, you are in it to make money. Everyone is. But if you don’t love blogging, then you won’t make it through the non earning period of blogging, which is quite long, regardless of what some bloggers would like us to believe. So love it and stick with it.
2. Think of it a Free Course:

Well, all of us probably went to school, and high school and many of us went ahead and got our fancy university degrees. I got a bachelors in Engineering degree, which I didn’t get overnight. It took 4 years.
And was I paid to do it?
No, I wasn’t. I was the one to pay my tuition.
Blogging is very much similar. I am not saying that this is a degree program. But there is a LOT to learn. What I learned in this 1 year of Blogging is nothing short of phenomenal:
- I made my very own website. Design. Structure.
- I learnt to edit videos.
- I learnt to design graphics.
- I learnt to bring traffic to my website. I am not getting thousands everyday. But, I started from 0. So, the 100 people that I get on my website everyday, does seem like an accomplishment. And I am all about celebrating small victories people!!
- But most important thing that I learnt is how to write. Not that I think my writing is perfect, but it is getting better everyday. Because doing something often is how you get better at it. And Blogging gives me that opportunity.
So, thinking about it as a learning opportunity or even a Free course, helps to keep our morale up.
3. Go and Google yourself:
This is a fun fact!
How many people can google their names and get a full page worth of articles written by them??
Not everyone, I think!
When you are blogging for a while, you get there. And although this may sound superficial to you, but:
Ohh Heyy!! Google Knows my name!!
is a pretty great feeling.
So, next time you are thinking about quitting, go to GOOGLE, and type in your name. You will be pleasantly surprised and rewarded by a sense of accomplishment.
4. Rewarding Feeling of doing something meaningful and helping others:

If you have a blog, and its about a topic that helps people it will give you an immense feeling of satisfaction. Your blog can be about anything. You can be helping people lose weight, or plan their meals. Or maybe, you are like me and trying to help moms plan activities for their kids.
Whatever you are doing, chances are that if your content is being read, it is helping someone. Even if it simply makes them smile in a very exhausting day, you are helping.
And this feeling of helping others brings satisfaction and happiness into your own life.
I go over the moon and sometimes shoot right past the moon and land onto mars when people tell me that I helped them. Sometimes, people email me or text me to say that they were going through all the kids activities, and I helped make their day awesome!
Some people call to say that their kids loved one of my printable books. This always keeps me motivated to go ahead and create great content that helps them.
Needless to say that I mostly design things while keeping my own daughter in mind, so all the activities and books that I design and create help my daughter as well. When I see Hussaina getting excited about doing a particular activity, I know that other kids her age will love them too.
5. Read about People who worked really hard before they were successful:
Not everyone we see up on the throne of success, was born right on it. They too worked hard, sacrificed their sleep and their sanity to get where they are.
Good things take time. If you got everything handed to you on a silver platter, then the fruit of success will not taste as sweet. Working for it, is what makes it worth it.
I love reading about people who made themselves into what they are. Reading about them, motivates me to believe in myself no matter what!!
Here are some great posts and articles about successful people that weren’t successful at once, and who worked really hard to get where they are now:
Don't give up, you will get there....
Join facebook groups, promote your website on pinterest, do everything you can and then some, but don’t give up!! Don’t get your morale down by comparing yourself to others. You have no idea how many failures they faced before getting to this point!!
One day, you will get there too!!

Hi, I’m Alifya. I love doing fun activities with my daughter, Hussaina and write all about it here! My crazy hobbies include:
A. Binge watching Friends upto a point of memorizing it!
B. Watching Air Crash Investigations and Mega Structures on
NatGeo and
C. Reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time!!
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Absolutely love this article.
Thankyou so much 🙂
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