This is a pretty simple and straight forward preschool worksheet, which helps kids understand and recognize the difference as well as the relationship between UPPERCASE and lowercase alphabets.
They can either:
- Join the Uppercase alphabet with its lowercase counterpart by drawing a line.
- Or filling them with the same color, in order to match them (e.g. E and e squares can be yellow, while G and g squares are red. This helps separate each alphabet visually as well!)
If worksheets are a NO NO at your house, then you can try this Alphabet matching activity using LEGOs, which is a hands on approach to teaching Uppercase and lowercase alphabets.
And if your kids enjoy “I spy” pages, then they will love this hidden alphabet printable activity, where they need to find and color all the alphabets (both uppercase and lowercase ones).
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Hi, I’m Alifya. I love doing fun activities with my daughter, Hussaina and write all about it here! My crazy hobbies include:
A. Binge watching Friends upto a point of memorizing it!
B. Watching Air Crash Investigations and Mega Structures on
NatGeo and
C. Reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time!!