Car Racing Game for Kids:
Car racing game for kids. Fun. Engaging. Awesome.
I am forever looking for creative activities for kids, and about everything and I literally mean EVERYsingleTHING pops a new idea in my head.
So, I was watching a Blippi episode with my daughter on a Glazer Children’s museum in Tampa, FL. and I go like: Oh wow, I can totally recreate a mini version of this Car racing game at home for my daughter!!
(Here’s the Youtube video link of the Blippi Kid’s Museum Episode)
And here I come with this DIY Car Racing Game which is Oh-so-much-fun for Kids!
This car racing game, like most of the other activities on my blog is very easy and simple to recreate and most of the things needed for it, will already be in your home. It will just be a simple matter of putting a few things together to set up the game.
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What You Need:
1. A table, that your child can access while standing up (not too tall, and not too short)
e.g. Coffee table, center table, TV entertainment unit. I am using a dressing table, by the way.
2. Cars (As many as you have).
TIP: Use those Pull back toy cars. You know the ones that you pull back and release and they go off shooting straight down the road. Yes, those are the perfect cars to use for this game.
3. Grey card sheets to DIY your own roads.

Setting Up:
- Cut 4 inch wide roads from grey card sheets and add some black lines in the centre to give it a feel of a proper road.
- Stick 2 roads side by side on the table.
- Place a bucket at one end of the table.
- Now, start racing from the other end. See which of the 2 cars hit the bucket first. It is more fun when there are 2 players racing their cars.
TIP: Longer the table, the more fun it is to shoot the cars off to the bucket.
Suggested Improvement:
Use Road tapes instead of plain grey card sheets. These road tapes cut down your set up time by more than half. And also, these are pretty smooth.
When we used the grey card sheets, we did have some bumps along the ride because of the bumpy texture of card sheets. These road tapes will help you avoid that problem completely.
More Fun Kid's Activities:

Hi, I’m Alifya. I love doing fun activities with my daughter, Hussaina and write all about it here! My crazy hobbies include:
A. Binge watching Friends upto a point of memorizing it!
B. Watching Air Crash Investigations and Mega Structures on
NatGeo and
C. Reading Harry Potter for the thousandth time!!

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